

Page history last edited by Connie Crosby 15 years ago

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If you have questions that haven't been answered, please add them below and we'll try to answer.



What's cluetrain?

Here's what wikipedia says:

The Cluetrain Manifesto is a set of 95 theses organized and put forward as a manifesto, or call to action, for all businesses operating within what is suggested to be a newly-connected marketplace. The ideas put forward within the manifesto aim to examine the impact of the Internet on both markets (consumers) and organizations. In addition, as both consumers and organizations are able to utilize the Internet and Intranets to establish a previously unavailable level of communication both within and between these two groups, the manifesto suggests that the changes that will be required from organizations as they respond to the new marketplace environment.


What's cluetrainplus10?

Cluetrainplus10 is a project to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the manifesto. On Tuesday April 28, 95 bloggers around the world will each write a blog post on one of the 95 theses.


How do I sign up?

Just go to the sign up page and put your name and web address beside one of the 95 theses.


I'm not a fan of the Cluetrain cult. Is there a place for me in cluetrainplus10?

Absolutely! We're looking for a wide variety of perspectives.


OK. I'm signed up. What now?

Think about your thesis and the cluetrain manifesto and ponder whether it's still relevant 10 years later. and on April 28, take your post live. Once you do, please come back to the wiki to link from your assigned thesis to the permanlink of the blog post.


Are there any guidelines for my post?

Not really. Only guideline is that your post should go live early on April 28. But however you chose to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of cluetrain is up to you.


All 95 theses are taken. What should I do?

If 95 bloggers have signed up, feel free to use this wiki to create a second set of theses.


What's the Twitter hashtag?

Please use #cluetrainplus10




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